Workday testing for marijuana use...
And workday only.
In the face of evolving laws and policies around marijuana, employers need a reliable way to test for workday marijuana use. Punishing past use is no longer viable.
Detecting workday use boils down to isolating and identifying psychoactive THC, which is present in oral fluid. Because THC is chemically similar to CBD and up to 100 other nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, historically only lab-based tests have been precise enough to single it out. No rapid test on the market today has the combination of specificity and sensitivity needed to isolate and identify only psychoactive THC.
Employers have never had a timely way to test for workday marijuana use.
That is why we set out to develop ToxiTrace™, a fully-automated lab-in-a-box that can be installed and operated in occupational health clinics and drug testing centers. ToxiTrace™ uses lab-standard chromatography to filter out metabolites of THC and nonpsychoactive cannabinoids like CBD from oral fluid samples. What remains is psychoactive THC, the presence of which indicates marijuana use within hours, not days or weeks.

The sample
ToxiTrace™ requires a 2mL collection of oral fluid, which is a valid sample type recognized by the federal government.

The test
ToxiTrace™ detects psychoactive THC from recent marijuana consumption in all of its forms, including edibles.

The result
ToxiTrace™ analysis takes about 20 minutes to complete and provides a
real-time reading on marijuana use.
In today’s climate, employers need a way to identify workday use — in the workday — without waiting days for lab-based results, and without probing what employees do legally on their own time. ToxiTrace™ is the solution.